Tag: healthandsafetyatwork

  • Heatwave help: keep your team comfortable & productive

    Heatwave help: keep your team comfortable & productive

    As record-breaking heatwave conditions sweep across the country, employers need to be prepared to manage their employees in the heat. Here are a few tips to keep your staff comfortable and productive during a heatwave: Allow for more frequent breaks, and make sure employees have access to plenty of water. Move outdoor work to cooler…

  • PPE Regulations updated

    PPE Regulations updated

    On April 6 the PPE regulations were updated to amend the old 1992 Regs. These regulations extend the employer’s and employee’s duties in relation to the use and provision of personal protective equipment to other workers who may be engaged on a less formal basis such as casual or occasional workers. All businesses must carry…

  • A Burning Issue

    A Burning Issue

    So what has a pineapple wearing sunglasses and a hat got to do with your business? The hottest day of the year is forecast and ‘International Sunglasses Day’ takes place this month (27th June); raising awareness of the damage that can be done to the eyes by the sun’s harmful rays. Still wondering?… We’re talking…